common dll(commondll

Common DLL (Dynamic Link Library) is a type of shared library that contains code and data that can be used by multiple applications simultaneously. It is a powerful tool for software developers as it allows them to reuse code and reduce development time and effort. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Common DLL, its advantages, and how to create and use it.

Basics of Common DLL

A Common DLL is a binary file that contains code and data that can be shared by multiple applications. It is loaded into memory when an application that uses it is launched. The DLL can be used by any application that needs its functionality, without the need to include the code in each application. This makes the development process faster and more efficient.

The DLL contains functions, variables, and resources that can be accessed by the applications that use it. The functions are the code that performs a specific task, while the variables are the data that is used by the functions. The resources are the non-code elements such as images, icons, and strings that are used by the applications.

Advantages of Common DLL

The use of Common DLL has several advantages for software developers. Some of these advantages are:

1. Code Reusability: The DLL allows developers to reuse code across multiple applications. This reduces development time and effort as the code does not need to be rewritten for each application.

2. Easy Maintenance: Since the code is shared, any updates or bug fixes made to the DLL will be reflected in all the applications that use it. This makes maintenance easier and more efficient.

3. Smaller Application Size: By using a DLL, the size of the application is reduced as the code is not included in the application. This makes the application faster to download and install.

4. Improved Performance: The DLL is loaded into memory only once, and all the applications that use it can access it. This reduces the memory usage and improves the performance of the applications.

Creating a Common DLL

Creating a Common DLL involves several steps. These steps are:

1. Create a new project in Visual Studio: Open Visual Studio and create a new project. Select the “Class Library” template and give it a name.

2. Write the code: Write the code for the functions and variables that will be included in the DLL. Make sure to use the correct syntax and data types.

3. Build the DLL: Build the DLL by selecting “Build Solution” from the “Build” menu. This will create the DLL file in the “bin” folder of the project.

4. Register the DLL: Register the DLL by running the “regsvr32” command in the command prompt. This will add the DLL to the Windows registry, allowing it to be used by other applications.

Using a Common DLL

Using a Common DLL in an application involves several steps. These steps are:

1. Add a reference to the DLL: Add a reference to the DLL in the application by selecting “Add Reference” from the “Project” menu. Browse to the location of the DLL and select it.

2. Declare the functions and variables: Declare the functions and variables that will be used in the application. This is done by including the header file of the DLL in the application.

3. Use the functions and variables: Use the functions and variables in the application as needed. The DLL will be loaded into memory when the application is launched, and the functions and variables can be accessed by the application.


Common DLL is a powerful tool for software developers as it allows them to reuse code and reduce development time and effort. It is a binary file that contains code and data that can be shared by multiple applications. The DLL can be used by any application that needs its functionality, without the need to include the code in each application. This makes the development process faster and more efficient. Creating and using a Common DLL involves several steps, but it is a straightforward process that can be mastered with practice.

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